“Ugh. Here comes yet another e-mail from that guy.”

When prospects get cold or follow-up e-mails, that’s the first thing they think.

Are you worried about “pestering” your prospect?

Well, in most cases, if that’s your fear, the uncomfortable truth is you are probably a “pest.”

Isn’t persistence a good thing?

Yes. Prospects like that. But it misses out on half the equation.

But don’t sweat it. Every salesperson makes that mistake.

However, you can be one of the smart ones who learns from their mistake and tries something different.

And believe it or not, writing subject lines your prospects happily read is easy once you know how to do it.

So let’s get to how to do that:

1. Winning Subject Lines that Get Read and Clicked Get Formatted Like This 

The typical e-mail looks like this:

Follow Up on Our Conversation about Smith Company Recruiting Software

The capital letters and longer subject make it look like a marketing e-mail. Your prospects want personal e-mails.

For starters, don’t capitalize the first letter of every word.

And make your e-mails short, around 40 – 49 characters.

Something like this:

Smith Company recruiting software follow-up

2. Throw in Some Personalization

With personalizing, do more than just adding the prospect’s name to your e-mail.

That’s a start.

But to stand out, take it a step further.

Think back to details your prospect mentioned about themselves or their business in past conversations. If it’s hard for you to remember, write down a few notes immediately after each conversation in the future.

Say your prospect mentioned several times how their hires seem to fail at an unacceptably high rate.

So now make your subject line offer the solution to that:

John, we can improve your hiring 19.5%

That’s directly personal to the prospect. To boost personalization even more, mention some personal info your prospect discussed in the body of your e-mail. For example, they may have talked about their children, a vacation, or a car accident.

All you need is a single sentence. It shows you listen and care. Few, if any, other salespeople do that. So it makes you stand out a ton.

3. Add Value

Now, that last e-mail example added some value. A 19.5% improvement in hiring quality would be great for your prospect.

But, let’s take that one step further. And instead of communicating the value, actually give it to your prospect.

Example: John, 3 ways you can boost hire quality now

And then, inside of the e-mail, you give 3 brief tips so John can do just that. Since they’re so good, it’s logical for John to think your paid recruiting software will be even better.

4. …And Watch Your Open and Response Rates Soar!

With e-mails, you don’t have a precise formula to stick to. However, you can certainly create them if you want.

Simply stick to the principles of:

  • Personalization
  • Brevity
  • Adding value

…And I’ll guarantee you more opens, higher response rates, and more closed sales.
