Each year approximately 600,000 new businesses are started by courageous people who seek many things, with one in particular.  They seek success.  Success is a reward or gift, and sometimes everything that goes into the work and the meaning of the word cannot be described entirely.  Excited entrepreneurs may say they are in it for the financial gains and the prosperity, and a lot of the time they will admit that it is a great opportunity and challenge.  Business offers so much more that financial gains.  Why do you think 600,000 new businesses are created each year?  Just saying that financial gains is the answer is not justifiable and is insulting.  No, there are more reasons and rewards why businesses are started, people just have trouble expressing them.

  1. Freedom – This is a pretty general word to describe what it means for business owners, but it also covers a good deal of it.  When running your own business you have the freedom to control it however you want.  You can choose your times to work and who you work with.  This allows people to balance their own lives and not let someone else tell them when they have to work.  A very appealing aspect for those with “Type A” personalities.
  2. Dignity –  In business you have a sense of dignity because of the impact you have on others.  You create jobs for others, and develop a purpose for yourself as well as others.  All humans are built to work and have some sort of dignity, which makes us get up in the morning.  Without this sense of purpose and meaning it would be hard to want to work, and our vocations would be in question.  Business creates dignity.
  3. Challenges – Our minds are meant to be tested and stretched, we are meant to take in loads of information a day and learn new things.  This is how we were made.  Im business, it is rare to have the same day twice.  As entrepreneurs the challenges are more apparent.  Whenever there is a challenge, there is also a great opportunity.
  4. Community – A community of people is created in business where people are constantly interacting and meeting each other as well as getting to know each other.  Close friendships are made and lives can be impacted, not just on the business side, but on a personal side.  In business, it is hard not to be implanted into a community.

Aside from the obvious reward of prosperity, these four are other gifts that people in business gain while in business.  These are just a few of the many other rewards that business offers.  Overall business opportunities are endless, and rewards are eternal.

Author: Michael Whartnaby, Prospectr Marketing